Original About Mirth

How can we make sparkling water even more enjoyable?

mirth, n.
Pleasurable feeling; enjoyment, gratification; joy, happiness.

Sparkling waters with fresh, unexpected flavors, and just the right amount of bubbles. A touch of organic sugar enhances mouthfeel, striking a delightful balance of sweet and savory. A rival of traditional seltzer.

  • Low-Calorie
  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegan
  • Made with Natural Flavors
  • No Artificial Sweeteners
  • 3 Uniquely Delicious Options

Our Mission

To provide an unusual, yet satisfying beverage that’s equal parts bold and refreshing. Mirth is designed to spread joy, camaraderie, and good vibes. It’s delicious chilled, with ice, or mixed with your favorite spirits—but it’s always best when shared.

Meet the Founder

Few people love sparkling water more than I do. One of my earliest memories is of my Grandpa Ben teaching me and my identical twin brother, Jamie, how to use a soda siphon, one of those old-fashioned seltzer dispensers made of glass with the playful trigger at the top. 

I’ve been obsessed ever since.

After decades of drinking sparkling water—gallons and gallons of it—I started to get bored. I didn’t like the taste of stevia or other sweeteners, and all of the options out there were too sugary or fake-sweet. I grew tired of the same old citrus and berry flavored bubbles.

It wasn’t until the world was put on lockdown due to COVID-19 that I decided to take matters into my own hands. I bought a vintage soda siphon—just like Grandpa Ben’s—and began playing around with all kinds of unusual flavors. I even tried infusing water with ingredients like prosciutto and duck cracklings. (Not all of my experiments  were winners.)

Once I started using fruit peels, essential oils, and coffee grounds in my creations, my girlfriend and I knew I was onto something great. As the recipes for these uniquely flavored sparkling waters came to life, I thought of my bon vivant father who, after a lifetime of enjoying fine wines, abandoned drinking in his 70’s and is always on the lookout for fine-tasting non-alcoholic beverages. He inspired the Grapefruit-Juniper: a flavor reminiscent of a gin & tonic, minus the alcohol and with less sugar.


Mirth is all about celebrating the small pleasures in life, and sharing them with your friends. A sip of happiness.

-Jeremy Philip Galen, Founder 


Established 2021 by Jeremy Philip Galen